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Make My Iced Tea

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Based on 2 reviews

Make My Iced Tea Bundle Features

  1. Sampler Tropical Sky Loose Leaf (20g) : Candied pineapple pieces, candied papaya pieces, candied mango pieces, apple pieces, physalis, tangerine slices, safflower, rose blossom leaves, sunflower blossoms & natural flavouring
  2. Sampler Strawberry Guava Loose Leaf (20g) : Candied pineapple pieces, candied papaya pieces, hibiscus, elderberries, beetroot pieces, strawberry pieces, guava pieces, vanilla pieces & natural flavouring
  3. Sampler Fruits of Eden Loose Leaf (20g) : Apple pieces, strawberry pieces, pineapple pieces, honeydew pieces, mango pieces, beetroot, rosehip, rose petals, safflower, hibiscus, liquorice root, stevia leaves & passion fruit flavour
  4. Teamaker: Capacity 500ml & made of 100% BPA free plastic