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Red Ming Infuser Mug
What better way to keep you energized during your working day, than to keep this handy mug on your desktop to mix and match your favourite brews? The large infuser allows for a variety of flavour combinations - ice and lemon in the summer, cinnamon and nutmeg in the winter or whatever your heart desires.
*The glass is both microwave-safe and dishwasher-safe.
Capacity: 350ml
Standard Delivery
- We have a standard rate of $10. Typically arrives 1 – 10 business days after dispatch depending on
state. Free for orders $60 and over.
Express Shipping
- Our express shipping is $24 and will arrive within 1 – 3 business days after dispatch depending on
The design is simple, yet effective, as the infuser can be rested on the rim of the mug to allow the tea to seive and the upturned lid doubles as a stand for the infuser while the tea is enjoyed. Made of odorless and durable stainless steel, with ceramic to provide maximum heat retention and heat resistant glass so that you keep an eye on the strength of your brew.