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Sleepy Tea
For nights in Dreamland
The perfect remedy for sleepless nights, everything about this blend is light on the senses, preparing your body, mind and soul for a sleep that enfolds you gently into the night. This delicate, minty tea is infused with enchanting Valerian root and packed with hints of light sweetness, tangy citrus and complementary floral undertones. Sleepy Tea is made for a perfect night in dreamland.
Minty, with hints of citrus and floral notes
Valerian root, passion flower, lemon balm leaves, peppermint, fennel, caraway, aniseed, nanamint, rosemary & lavender blossoms.
Standard Delivery
- We have a standard rate of $10. Typically arrives 1 – 10 business days after dispatch depending on
state. Free for orders $60 and over.
Express Shipping
- Our express shipping is $24 and will arrive within 1 – 3 business days after dispatch depending on

Multi Origin
We source our fresh herbs, flowers, and real fruit pieces from around the world. These thoughtfully chosen ingredients use a combination of skill, patience and experience in our picking and sorting methods providing a harmonious experience for customers taste buds. Each of these ingredients are focused on promoting wellness in different ways through each tea’s unique combination.